How DANA could also spoil the start of the Formula E World Championship


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How DANA could also spoil the start of the Formula E World Championship

THE inside not only because access to the circuit was destroyed, but also out of pure ethics and responsibility. However, sportingly speaking, it is not only that andbut was also able to benefit from the start of the world championship in the electric category.

And, as revealed Alberto Longoco-founder and director of during an interview with several media outlets During testing, all the logistics needed to get to the races were in Valencia, and they didn't see a way to get it out of there.”>Look:

Explaining what a big success it was to move everything from Valencia to Madrid to successfully celebrate pre-season (which you can read above), Longo admitted : “At some point, even Thursday [cuando comunicaron que no habría test en Cheste]I told Jeff that. [Dodds, CEO de la Fórmula E] that maybe we wouldn't even do the first race, because we had all the equipment there in Valencia and, obviously, this equipment is absolutely critical and key for the first two, Sao Paulo and Mexico.

And he continued: “All the equipment we had not only for testing, but also for the first races of the season, which we had real doubts about on Thursday, could be held.”

When since He was asked what would happen to this equipment after the Jarama test, and facing the first race of the season which will take place in Sao Paulo on December 7, he explained: “We now have two logistical sets. We let's assemble everything here in Madrid first, one will go to Mexico by cargo ship and the other to Sao Paulo by plane.

“All this division of the material is done in Jarama and from here it leaves, one for the port of Valencia in the hypothetical case of its opening, because from there we have contracted the ship that leaves for Mexico, and another for the Milan airport, this is where all the logistics of Formula E leave.

Asked by other media whether they had suffered material damage like that unfortunately suffered by hundreds of thousands of Valencians, Longo commented: “Before coming to the tests, we warned the teams that even if the material could be recovered, we didn't know what state things would be in. But we didn't miss anything, nothing was lost. All the containers we had were all, some moved. a few hundred meters, but we found them all, although we didn't have time to do it so open it and see everything, so we put it together and sent it to Madrid, where the real analysis was done of it. the state in which things were.”

Even the most critical point for the first race: “The charging capacity or the charging infrastructure that we have worked perfectly in testing, which was my biggest concern. The whole thing with the radios and everything worked properly and there’s no risk of anything happening.” It’s not going well in Brazil.”

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